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IGW träumt von relevanten Kirchen und einer erneuerten Gesellschaft. Deshalb fördern wir Frauen und Männer durch Weiterbildungen in Praktischer und Systematischer Theologie – mit den Abschlüssen MAS und MTh (Unisa).

IGW dreams of relevant churches and a renewed society. Therefore, we promote women and men through continuing education courses in Practical Theology and in Systematic Theology – resulting in MTh (Unisa).

Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona

Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona

Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona

Das Theologische Seminar St. Chrischona (tsc) in der Nähe von Basel bietet seit 1840 theologische Aus- und Weiterbildungen an. Das tsc-Studienangebot umfasst drei theologische Bachelor-Studiengänge (BTh Kommunikative Theologie, BA Theologie & Pädagogik, BA Theologie &Musik), das Fernstudium Theologie und den tsc-Jahreskurs.

The Theological Seminary St. Chrischona (tsc) near Basel has been offering theological education since 1840. The offer includes three Bachelor courses (BTh (Honours) Theology, BA (Honours) Theology & Pedagogy, BA (Honours) Theology & Music), distance learning theology and a one-year programme.


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Acf Logo

Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte

Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte

Die Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte (AcF) in Gummersbach bietet berufsbegleitende Weiterbildungen in zwei Disziplinen an: Christian Leadership und Christian Development Studies.

The Academy of Christian Leadership in Germany offers part-time studies which will then lead to the following Unisa degrees: MTh Christian Leadership and MA Development Studies.

AcF Development Studies
Forum Wiedenest Logo

Biblisch - Theologische Akademie Wiedenest

Biblisch - Theologische Akademie Wiedenest

Die Biblisch-Theologische Akademie, Forum Wiedenest (BTA) in Bergneustadt bietet ein berufsbegleitende Weiterbildungen bzw. ein akademisches Aufbauprogramm in den Fachbereichen Neues Testament und Gemeinden gründen und entwickeln (Missiologie) an.

The Biblical-Theological Academy, Forum Wiedenest (BTA) in Germany offers part-time studies/an BTh Honours equivalent programme which leads students to the following degrees taken at the University of South Africa: MTh in New Testament Studies and MTh in Missiology


Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen Logo

Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen

Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen

Das Theologische Seminar Adelshofen (TSA) ermöglicht durch seine praxisorientierten Themen reflektierendes und interdisziplinäres Denken und Studieren im Feld der Praktischen Theologie.

The Theological Seminary Adelshofen (TSA) through its practice-oriented topics enables reflective and interdisciplinary thinking and studying in the field of Practical Theology. These academic postgraduate courses lead to a MTh in Practical Theology and BTh Hons, both at UNISA.

TSA Studium
Theologisches Seminar Rheinland Logo

Theologisches Seminar Rheinland

Theologisches Seminar Rheinland

Das Theologische Seminar Rheinland (TSR) in Wölmersen (Außenstelle: BIT Berlin) bietet eine individuelle theologische Ausbildung mit der Kairos-Univeristät (USA) an. Außerdem begleiten Dozenten des TSR Studierende an der UNISA bzw. University of Pretoria im Master- und Doktoralbereich (Schwerpunkte: Altes Testament, Urban Mission).

Rhineland School of Theology (TSR) in Wölmersen, Germany, (branch office: BIT Berlin) offers individual theological training with Kairo University (USA). In addition, TSR lecturers accompany students at UNISA and the University of Pretoria in the Master's and doctoral programs (focus: Old Testament, Urban Mission).

TSR BIT Berlin

Stiftung Therapeutische Seelsorge Logo

Therapeutische Seelsorge

Therapeutische Seelsorge

Die Stiftung Therapeutische Seelsorge bietet eine Grundlegung für akademische (Weiter-)Qualifikation in Seelsorge oder Therapie, basierend auf Individualpsychologie und Systemische Therapie.

The Foundation Therapeutic Pastoral Care provides a basis for an academic (further) qualification in pastoral care or therapy, based on individual psychology and systemic therapy. Graduates can then register at Unisa for the MTh in Pastoral Therapy.

Therapeutische Seelsorge
Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

Die Theologische Hochschule Friedensau (ThHF) in der Nähe von Magdeburg ist eine staatlich anerkannte Hochschule und bietet Studienprogramme im Bereich Theologie (B.A., M.A. – beide auf Deutsch, und M.T.S.) und Sozialwesen an (B.A. Soziale Arbeit, M.A. Counseling, M.A. Musiktherapie – alle auf Deutsch; M.A. International Social Sciences [Development Studies]).

Theologische Hochschule Friedensau (Friedensau Adventist University), located near Magdeburg, is a state-accredited institution that offers academic programmes in the areas of theology (B.A., M.A., and in English: M.T.S. ) and the social sciences (B.A. Social Work, M.A. Counseling, M.A. Music Therapy; and in English: M.A. International Social Sciences [Development Studies]). In addition, there is a one-year German programme.

TH Friedensau

Flag Norway

Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology

Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology

Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology

Høyskolen for Ledelse og Teologi AS (HLT) er en privat høyskole med formål å gi høyere utdanning for pastortjeneste og annen tjeneste innenfor kirke, skole og samfunn. Høyskolen tilbyr bachelorgradsstudier i teologi og ledelse og religion og samfunn med ulike års- og halvårsstudier, og har som mål å utføre forskning og faglig utviklingsarbeid på høyt nivå. Bachelorgraden i teologi og ledelse tilbys også på engelsk. Alle studieprogrammer ved HLT er akkreditert via NOKUT.

The Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology is a private university college with the purpose of providing higher education for pastoral ministry, and other types of ministry within church, school, and society. The university college provides bachelor’s degrees in theology and leadership, and in religion and society with different 30 and 60 credit specializations, and has as its goal to conduct research and academic development work at a high level. The bachelor’s degree in theology and leadership is also offered in English. All study programs at HLT are accredited via the Norwegian Accreditation Agency, NOKUT.


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Menighedsfakultetet Logo

Lutheran School of Theology on Aarhus

Letheran School of Theology in Aarhus

Menighedsfakultetet (Århus) udbyder en bachelor i klassisk teologi,
som kan lede til specialiserede Honours- og Mastergrader i Teologi fra Unisa eller til en master i teologi fra danske universiteter.

Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus offers full-time studies in all classical theological disciplines,
leading to a BTh degree and to specialized Unisa BTh Honours and MTh degrees in Theology
or to a MTh in Theology from Danish universities.

Saint Petersburg Christian University Logo

Saint Petersburg Christian University

Saint Petersburg Christian University

Санкт-Петербургский Христианский Университет представляет возможность обучаться на заочной магистратуре со следующими профилями:
магистр библеистики, магистр истории Церкви, магистр практического богословия.

SPBCU (Saint-Petersburg Christian University) in collaboration with GBFE/Unisa offers part-time studies in the following areas:
MTh in Biblical Studies, MTh in Church History, and MTh in Practical Theology.

SP Christian University

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Menighedsfakultetet Logo

Letheran School of Theology on Aarhus

Menighedsfakultetet (Århus) udbyder en bachelor i klassisk teologi,
som kan lede til specialiserede Honours- og Mastergrader i Teologi fra Unisa eller til en master i teologi fra danske universiteter.

Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus offers full-time studies in all classical theological disciplines,
leading to a BTh degree and to specialized Unisa BTh Honours and MTh degrees in Theology
or to a MTh in Theology from Danish universities.

Flag Russia
Saint Petersburg Christian University Logo

Saint Petersburg Christian University

Санкт-Петербургский Христианский Университет представляет возможность обучаться на заочной магистратуре со следующими профилями:
магистр библеистики, магистр истории Церкви, магистр практического богословия.

SPBCU (Saint-Petersburg Christian University) in collaboration with GBFE/Unisa offers part-time studies in the following areas:
MTh in Biblical Studies, MTh in Church History, and MTh in Practical Theology.

SP Christian University

Academic advanced programmes offered by GBFE colleges

Christian Leadership
  • Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte
Church History
  • Saint Petersburg Christian University
Development Studies
  • Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte
  • Theologische Hochschule Friedensau
  • Biblisch-Theologische Akademie Wiedenest
New Testament
  • Biblisch-Theologische Akademie Wiedenest
  • Saint Petersburg Christian University
Old Testament
  • Theologisches Seminar Rheinland
Pastoral Care
  • Therapeutische Seelsorge
Practical Theology
  • Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen
Systematic Theology
Urban Mission
  • Theologisches Seminar Rheinland