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Proposal Workshop – online

GBFE offers this online workshop to support its students in the preparation of the Research Outline and the Research Proposal according to the requirements of Unisa.
All Master and Doctoral students need to submit a Research Outline with their application and a Research Proposal as a first step toward their master dissertation resp. the doctoral thesis.

We recommend to participate in this workshop before registering with Unisa or at latest in the first six months after registration.
In order to participate one should have at least a rough research idea.
The seminar language will be English. It will be accessable on the Moodle Learning platform. After registration you will get access to Moodle.

For German-speaking students we strongly recommend the German workshop, which includes one day meeting.


In four weeks you will acquire the following competences:

  • Understanding research and developing a research idea
  • Developing your research problem
  • Developing your research plan
  • Draft your research outline
Next Workshop
This workshop is offered on demand. Please inform us if you are interested.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ott
Fees: 105,- € (The participation is free for PhD students enrolled via GBFE and for GBFE supervisors.)

M&D Seminar

GBFE hosts an annual seminar for all Master and Doctoral students, registered at UNISA or UP via GBFE.
It lasts three days and the location is usually in Germany.

Seminar Profile
For students
  • You will meet 2-4 professors from UNISA/UP
  • Meeting with teachers from GBFE
  • Communication with fellow students
  • First presentation of your research
  • Feedback from the professors and fellow students
  • The annual M&D-Seminar is obligatory for all Master and Doctoral students registered at Unisa or UP via GBFE (unless you are staying overseas)
  • You should present your current research, at least every second year (in German or English)
  • The fees for the M&D-Seminar (currently 130,-€) are included in the annual study fees for M&D, i.e. you only have to pay for accommodation and food

You are not a registered student?
Come and discover GBFE and UNISA/UP, you are welcome!
Seminar Profile
  • You will meet 2-4 professors from UNISA
  • Meeting with teachers from GBFE
  • Communication with fellow students
  • First presentation of your research
  • Feedback from the professors and fellow students
For students
  • The annual M&D-Seminar is obligatory for all Master and Doctoral students registered at Unisa via GBFE (unless you are staying overseas)
  • You should present your current research, at least every second year (in German or English)
  • The fees for the M&D-Seminar (currently 160,-€) are included in the annual study fees for M&D, i.e. you only have to pay for accommodation and food

You are not a registered student?
Come and discover GBFE and UNISA, you are welcome!

Next M&D Seminar:

26.-28. August 2024 at Forum Wiedenest, Bergneustadt

This year’s M&D seminar and closing ceremony will take place at Forum Wiedenest (Eichendorffstr. 2, 51702 Bergneustadt).
Please register online via the button for the seminar. For accommodation and meals please register separately via Forum Wiedenest.
You can find a preliminary programme here: Programme M&D Seminar 2024